Predict the future
In astrology, the concept of enemies can often be explored through various factors in a person's natal chart, such as aspects between planets, the 7th house of partnerships (including adversaries), and the 12th house of hidden enemies.
7th House: This house represents relationships, including open enemies. A challenging aspect to planets in this house may indicate conflicts or difficulties in partnerships.
12th House: Often associated with hidden enemies and self-sabotage, planets here can reveal internal struggles that might manifest as conflicts with others.
Mars: The planet of aggression and conflict. Strong placements or aspects of Mars might indicate a tendency to attract or create enemies.
Saturn: Known for challenges and restrictions. Its influence can sometimes indicate long-standing rivalries or grudges.
Transits: Current planetary movements can activate certain natal placements, leading to conflicts or confrontations.
Astrology provides insights into potential challenges, but it also emphasizes personal growth and understanding. Awareness of these dynamics can help navigate relationships more effectively.